Photograph by Mary Anna Scenga Kruch, from the third issue of Making Waves


We seek original work avoiding clichés and sentimental language (no light verse).

Maintain consistency in point of view, tenses, and punctuation (unless intentional).

While we focus on poetry, we also accept visual art and short pieces of non-fiction (essays and memoirs) and fiction (flash, micro, and short stories).

We will consider speculative fiction. Sequential art should be submitted under the “visual art” category.


The theme for the 2024 issue is “feral space”:

A feral space is untouched by cultural expectations. We try to curb or hide the unfettered, but the wild remains because it’s needed. Animals, a piece of land, a screaming toddler, or even the deepest part of ourselves–everything needs a place that is secret, sacred or transformative.


Submissions will open January 1st through April 30th for September print and electronic publication.

We aim to have a determination within three weeks of your date of submission. However, submissions for cover art will not be decided on until after submissions close.


Unpublished, non-AI generated works only. Simultaneous and multiple submissions allowed; notify if accepted elsewhere.

We try to read our submissions blind. Do not include your contact information or bio in your electronic attachment(s). Contact information and bio must be included in the designated Submittable fields, or on a separate, printed cover page (for mailed submissions).


No fees for visual art or USPS-mailed creative writing. A $3 per attachment for electronic submissions. Fees are non-refundable and fund our electronic submissions manager and community events.


Submit via Each attachment may include up to two (2) pieces with a maximum of five (5) pages per attachment.


Include a separate cover page with author details and any links/handles. The title(s) of the submitted piece(s) should follow along with a short (80 words or fewer) author bio (in the third person). If submitting visual art, please include the medium(s) used.

If you would like feedback on your submission, please mention this in a brief cover letter or statement after your bio.

If you prefer a mailed response, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE):

Ludington Writers c/o LACA
107 S. Harrison St.
Ludington, MI  49431


Submitters grant First Rights to publish to Making Waves. We may reprint accepted work on our website and/or social media accounts, Otherwise, all rights revert to the author upon publications.


.doc, .docx, or .pdf files for creative writing. Titles in all caps unless author prefers otherwise. Font preferences: Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Arial.


Pieces should be print-ready: single spaced and aligned as required by the form chosen.

Space limitations allow for no more than 60 characters per line and 30 lines per page.


Up to two (2) pieces, 1,000-word max. Prose should be double spaced.


.tiff, .jpeg, or .jpg files, at least 300 dpi. Max four (4) pre-formatted black and white and/or two (2) color images. Our layout is a 6x9 portrait orientation.


Include last name, number of submissions, and first words of the title(s). Avoid special characters.

For example, “LastName 3 TitleA TitleB TitleC.”


With the help of writing and visual arts communities, Ludington Writers has been able to fund a $1,500 scholarship, $500 sponsorship, and two-day poetry retreat. If you would like to contribute to our community activities, consider using the tip jar at checkout.